福島白桃餅乾 [3盒裝] / Fukushima White Peach Cookies [3-box set]
■ Orders from Overseas / 海外訂單相關 ■
For orders outside Japan, please do not use the regular order button. Instead, place your order through the exclusive popup banner for the overseas forwarding service "Buyee Connect." / 日本以外的顧客,請不要使用一般的訂購按鈕,請通過專用的彈出橫幅下單使用「Buyee Connect」海外轉運服務。
★Age verification pop-up for all products, including non-alcoholic ones.
商品編號: SKR-007
• 內容量: 30個(個別包裝) [3盒裝]
• 保存方法: 請避免存放在陽光直射及高溫潮濕的地方。
• 賞味期限: 常溫保存6個月
• 銷售商: 有限公司特產食品銷售
• 海外訂單相關
請使用海外轉運服務「Buyee Connect」的專用訂購按鈕進行購買。 之後,「Buyee Connect」的工作人員將以客戶代理身份在本店購買商品,並在出貨後從本店運送到「Buyee」的據點,再進一步運送到海外。
• 預計發貨
在「Buyee Connect」完成代理訂單後,商品將大約在一週內出貨至「Buyee Connect」的據點。
Product Number: SKR-007
Peach-Flavored Cookies
We knead peach juice from Fukushima Prefecture into the dough and bake it into delicious cookies. Each cookie is individually wrapped in cute packaging, and the box contains 30 pieces. Perfect for sharing with family and friends.
• Contents: 30 pieces (individually wrapped) [3-box set]
• Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
• Expiration Date: 6 months at room temperature
• Distributor: Toku San Foods Sales Co., Ltd.
• Orders from Overseas
Please use the exclusive order button for overseas forwarding service "Buyee Connect" for your purchase.
Afterward, "Buyee Connect" staff will make the purchase on your behalf and ship the product from our store to the "Buyee" base, from where it will be forwarded internationally.
• Estimated Shipping
After placing the proxy order via "Buyee Connect," the product will be shipped to the "Buyee Connect" base within one week.