Q Is international shipping from Japan available?
A At our store, we use the international forwarding service "Buyee Connect." When you place an order through the "Buyee Connect" cart, the "Buyee Connect" staff will purchase the item from our store on your behalf. After shipping from our store to Buyee's facility, the item will then be forwarded internationally. • Buyee Connect: User Guide 本店採用海外轉運服務「Buyee Connect」。 透過「Buyee Connect」專用購物車下單後,「Buyee Connect」的工作人員會以顧客代理的身份在本店進行購買。 商品從本店出貨至「Buyee」的轉運據點後,將再運送到海外。 → Buyee Connect 使用者指南 当店では、海外転送サービス「Buyee Connect」を導入しています。 「Buyee Connect」の専用カートからご注文いただくと、後日、「Buyee Connect」スタッフがお客様代理として当店で購入し、 当店から「Buyee」の拠点へ出荷後に海外へ発送の流れとなります。 → Buyee Connect ユーザーガイド
Q I live outside of Japan. How can I place an order?
A For customers ordering from overseas, please use the dedicated "Buyee Connect" order button displayed in the popup. *We cannot process orders placed through the regular order button (black). 從海外下單的顧客,請使用彈出窗口中顯示的「Buyee Connect」專用訂購按鈕。 *透過普通訂購按鈕(黑色)下單將無法處理。 海外からご注文の方は、ポップアップで出ている「Buyee Connect」の専用注文ボタンをお使いください。 *通常の注文ボタン(黒)からご注文頂いても対応することができません。
Q Is gift wrapping available?
A We will introduce the proxy agent purchasing service "BuyeeConnect" for customers living outside of Japan. As products must be inspected by an agent prior to overseas shipping, gift wrapping is not available for these orders. We apologize for the inconvenience. 本店針對海外住客推出了購買代行服務「BuyeeConnect」。 由於代行業者需要在國外出貨前對商品進行檢查,因此很抱歉,海外訂單無法提供禮品包裝服務。 当店では海外在住者向け購入代行サービス『BuyeeConnect』を導入しています。 代行業者側で国外出荷前の検品のために商品を開封する必要があることから、申し訳ございませんが、海外からの注文の場合はギフトラッピングの対応ができません。


Kanpai ! 〜 It’s time for SAKE 〜

Cheers! Let's enjoy this moment together!
Toasting is an essential part of celebrations and gatherings with close friends. We sincerely hope to share this wonderful culture globally through Japanese sake, adding a touch of beauty to your special moments.

Japanese Toasting Culture
♦︎ The Word "Kanpai"
In Japan, the word commonly used is "Kanpai," which means raising dry cups together, fostering camaraderie and unity.
♦︎ Raising the Glass Upward
During a toast, it is customary to raise the glass upward, symbolizing respect toward others.
♦︎ Timing of Kanpai
Toasting occurs during celebratory occasions, gatherings with close friends, or special moments, typically when there is joy to share.
♦︎ Overlapping Glasses
During a toast, it is common to lightly overlap glasses, symbolizing a blessing for each other's happiness and celebrating shared time.

Japanese toasting culture emphasizes sharing happiness and cherishing heartfelt connections.

**Carefully Selected Japanese Sake**
We proudly offer a selection of world-renowned Japanese sake. Our lineup consists of unique products crafted with high quality, passion, and the dedication of artisans.

**Our Vision**
Our mission is to enhance your special moments, both domestically and internationally. Through the finest Japanese sake, we aim to make gatherings with close friends and significant events even more radiant.

**Purchase Process**
Once your order is confirmed, we promptly notify the breweries to ensure the direct delivery of the highest quality Japanese sake to our customers.

♦︎ 乾杯”的詞語
♦︎ 向上舉杯
♦︎ 乾杯的時機
♦︎ 交疊的酒杯






About the Shop Name KANPAi is essential for joyful occasions and celebrations. 關於店名 KANPAi是慶祝喜悅場合和慶典不可或缺的選擇。 ショップ名について KANPAiは喜びの席やお祝い事には、かかせません


We sell alcoholic beverages.Please follow the alcohol laws of your country. 我們賣酒類。 請根據年齡等居住國家的法律飲酒。 当店では酒類を販売しています。お住まいの国の酒類に関する法律を遵守してください。 ■ About the shopping page As our store is an alcoholic beverage store, warnings regarding alcoholic beverages are displayed on all product pages. Age confirmation pop-ups may also appear when purchasing non-alcoholic beverages. Thank you for your understanding. 我們店是酒類銷售店,所有商品頁面都顯示有關酒類的注意事項。 另外,購買酒類以外的商品時,也會顯示年齡確認彈窗。 雖然很麻煩,但拜託您處理一下。 当店は酒類販売店のため、すべての商品ページに酒類に関する注意事項を表示しています。ノンアルコール飲料を購入する際にも、年齢確認のポップアップが表示されることがあります。ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。

Display of Information of Liquor Manager
Name and location of where liquor is sold Links LLC. 230 Shimizu, Shimonogami, Okuma, Futaba, Fukushima, Japan
Name of Liquor Sales Manager Mariko Watanabe
Date of Attendance of the Liquor Sales Management Training July 3, 2024
The License Number of Liquor Sales SH-126710
Attendance deadline of the next Liquor Sales Management Training October 2028
Implementing Agency of the Liquor Sales Management Training Japan Franchise Association
Alcohol Sales License General Liquor Retail License, Liquor Mail Order Retail License, Liquor Export Wholesale License