2024/01/15 18:31
- 1.大米:大米是日本酒的主要成分,特別是選擇用於製作日本酒的品種。
- 2.水:水對於日本酒的質量至關重要。水的硬度和成分因地區而異,影響日本酒的特性。
- 3.麹(黴菌):麹是由米或米麹製成的發酵促進劑。麹中的黴菌將米中的澱粉分解成糖,為後續的發酵奠定基礎。
- 4.酵母:酵母是製造酒精所必不可少的微生物。不同的酵母品種和其發酵特性影響日本酒的香氣和風味。
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- 1.Rice[Kome] : Rice is a primary ingredient for sake, especially varieties selected for sake production.
- 2.Water: Water is crucial for the quality of sake. The hardness and components of water vary by region, influencing the characteristics of sake.
- 3.Koji (mold): Koji, a fermentation accelerator, is made from rice or rice koji. The mold in koji breaks down the starch in rice into sugars, providing the foundation for fermentation.
- 4.Yeast[Kobo]: Yeast is a microorganism essential for alcohol production. Different yeast strains and their fermentation characteristics contribute to the aroma and flavor of sake.